About me
Dr Xiaojun Zhai is a Reader in Department of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering at the University of Essex, Essex, UK. His research interest primarily focuses on the fields of high performance reconfigurable computing using Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). He is a Senior Member of IEEE, Fellow of High Education Association (FHEA) and a member of British Computer Science (MBCS).
Core Research Interests:
- Embedded Systems and System-on-Chip (SoC) design, for increasing security, power, performance and reliability
- Advanced embedded processor architectures targeted for automotive/industrial, robotics, image processing, sensor network nodes and other real-time critical applications
- High-performance data and image processing in heterogeneous embedded systems
- Hardware acceleration of computationally intensive DSP algorithms using FPGAs
Our research teams:
- For RA posts, see University of Essex vacancies.
- For Funded PhD Studentships, if you are an excellent and hard working student, please send (a) your CV, (b) transcripts of your grades, (c) copies of papers you have published, (d) a project proposal linked to my research projects and interests and (e) the name of two referees, to xzhai at essex.ac.uk
- For CSC 国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目 (所在单位或个人合作渠道), deadline March every year, please email me prior to apply.
News Please visit our research projects page for details of the news.
- 01/2025: Our submission “A Privacy-aware Quantilisation Approach for Efficient Edge Deep Learning Accelerator” has been accepted in [ISCAS2025].
- 01/2025: Our submission “Late Breaking Results: Approximated LUT-based Neural Networks for FPGA Accelerated Inference” has been accepted in [DATE2025].
- 09/2024: Our research propsoal: “EcoRoutePlanner: Dynamic Daily Route Planning and Scheduling for Crew Transfer Vessels in Offshore Wind Farms” has been accepted under “IUK Smart Shipping Acceleration Fund”.
- 07/2024: Our latest research work on multiplier-free AI accelerator has been submitted to TCAD for peer review, preprints version is avaiable from arxiv.
- 06/2024: Our submission “NIRVANA: Non-Invasive Real-time VulnerAbility ANAlysis for RISC-V Processor” and “REALITY: RL-PowEred AnomaLy Detection with Imprecise Computing in MulTi-core sYstems” has been accepted in [COINS2024].
- 06/2024: Our submission “Advancing Railway Trackside Vegetation Management: Integrating UAV and AI Technologies for Enhanced Efficiency and Sustainability” has been accepted in [ICAC2024].
- 05/2024:Our research propsoal: “IDEAL: Reducing Carbon Footprints of IoT Devices through Extension of Active Lifespans” has been accepted under “EPSRC Research for a digitally enabled circular economy and sustainable digital technologies” scheme.
- 03/2024:We were demostrating our abnormal detection system in RISC-V processors at CyberASAP demo day in London. CyberASAP.
- 09/2023:Our KTP project received best KTP project (SME) award! Video.
- 06/2023:Our paper has been accepted by FPL2023: FPL-23-EDGE.
- 06/2023: Our paper has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering: Time series Siamese GAN.
- 05/2023: I have recieved Mid-Career Researcher Award from the University of Essex.
- 04/2023: Conguratudations! Yucheng Wang has passed his PhD viva examination.
- 04/2023: Two papers have been accepted in NEWCAS2023: EDGE and APPControl.
- 03/2023: I have been invited to give a research seminar at the University of Leicester.
- 09/2022: I have been invited to give a talk about my EPSRC NIA at the Kingston University London.
- 09/2022: Conguratudations! Yufan Lu has passed his PhD viva examination.
- 08/2022: We won an EPSRC New Horizon grant in partnership with the University of Exeter.
- 08/2022: Our submission “FPGA-based Dynamic Deep Learning Acceleration for Real-time Video Analytics” has been accepted in ARCS 2022
- 07/2022: Two papers were accpeted in ICAC-22: Deep Learning on FPGAs with Multiple Service Levels for Edge Computing and Kalman Filter based Approach for Markerless Pose Tracking and Assessment
- 04/2022: Our paper “interpolatedXY: a two-step strategy to normalise DNA methylation microarray data avoiding sex bias” has been accepted for publication in Bioinformatics.
- 06/2022: our paper “Using Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection on a System-on-Chip under Gamma Radiation” has been published in Nuclear Engineering and Technology.
- 03/2022: we presented our work in A Workshop on Self-Driving Cars and Reliability at Rutherford Appleton laboratory, Oxford
- 03/2022: we participated and demonstrated our work in Robots for a Safer World challenge
- 01/2022: our paper “A Self-Adaptive SEU Mitigation Scheme for Embedded Systems in Extreme Radiation Environments” has been published in IEEE Systems Journal.
- 12/2021: Our paper “FPGA based Adaptive Hardware Acceleration for Multiple Deep Learning Tasks” has been published in the 2021 IEEE 14th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip (MCSoC)
- 09/2021: we are participating Adaptive Computing Challenge 2021 with Xilinx
- 09/2021: Our paper “FPGA based Adaptive Hardware Acceleration for Multiple Deep Learning Tasks” has been accepted as a REGULAR paper for presentation at the 14th IEEE MCSoC 2021 and publication in IEEE CPS proceedings
- 08/2021: we are participating LOW-POWER COMPUTER VISION CHALLENGE 2021 (FPGA Detection Track)
- 07/2021: Our paper “DNA methylation-based sex classifier to predictsex and identify sex chromosome aneuploidy” is published in BMC Genomics.